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- Embedded Development Suite Series - Analog and digital testing boards
Complete ECU testing, especially hardware in the loop testing, requires not only connecting the communication network to the testing system, but also connecting digital and analog signal interfaces. The high-precision analog and digital testing boards developed by Fengchuan Power can greatly simplify the setup of testing benches and HIL testing systems, and improve the efficiency of system construction and testing. The analog board supports stable output of positive and negative voltages ranging from -12V to+12V, while the digital board supports output of the ABZ three channel correlated signal of the analog magnetic encoder.

Main Parameters of Analog Test Board

Power Supply

Supports a supply voltage from 9V to 32V, with a supply current greater than 2A.


8 input channels capable of simultaneously measuring voltage and current. Voltage measurement range is -25V to +25V, and current measurement range is -2.5mA to +25mA, both with a measurement error of ±1%.


8 output channels capable of controlling output voltage and current without manual switching of output modes. Output voltage range is -12V to +12V, and output current range is -25mA to +25mA, both with an output error of ±2%.


Control output voltage, output mode, and read input voltage and current via RS485 interface. Supports query-response mode and power-off memory function.


Control and read board parameters such as output voltage, output current, output mode, and read input voltage and current via FDCAN or CAN2.0B. Supports power-off memory function.

Main Parameters of Digital Test Board

Power Supply

Supply voltage from 6V to 32V and supply current greater than 1A. Input channels accept voltages from 3.3V to 12V, and output channels can be powered by an internal 5V isolated power supply or an external 7V to 25V power supply.


8 input channels capable of measuring signal period, positive pulse width, and negative pulse width. Supports a maximum period of 429 million microseconds and a minimum pulse width of 10 microseconds, with a measurement accuracy of ±6 microseconds.


8 output channels supporting two independent ABZ encoder signal outputs and two independent PWM outputs. Output channels can output PWM signals up to 1MHz and encoder signals up to 600KHz.


Control and read board parameters such as input capture channels, capture data, output encoder signal frequency, and phase via RS485. Supports query-response mode and power-off memory function.


Control and read board parameters such as input capture channels, capture data, output encoder signal frequency, and phase via FDCAN or CAN2.0B. Supports power-off memory function.

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