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- Embedded Development Suite Series - XC2267M Development Kit
By using the development board, user manual, and introductory routines in the development kit, users can gain a detailed understanding of the functions, principles, and working characteristics of XC2267M, gradually learn and master the software and hardware development techniques of XC2267, and accelerate their development process.
The core controller of this development kit adopts the XC2267M chip of the 16 bit microcontroller XC2000 series from Infineon Technologies, which is the most mainstream in China. The XC2000 series microcontroller is based on Infineon's mature and popular C166 architecture. Flash has a capacity of up to 768KB and a clock frequency of 80MHz. Up to 4 PWM units (CCU6) for brushless and brushed motor control.
In order to improve debugging convenience, we integrated the DAP downloader on the development board, and only need to connect a USB cable to the computer to achieve program simulation debugging.
The development board also integrates brushed motors, brushless motors, EEPROM chips, DA output chips, and encoder modules, reducing the need for users to plug and unplug connectors during debugging.
The main control chip XC2267M is equipped with Infineon's official graphical configuration tool - DAVE, which can complete low-level code configuration and automatically generate compiled Keil projects. Greatly reducing the difficulty for users to get started.
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